Tuesday, July 17, 2012


News came that Stephen Covey died yesterday.

His simple / profound teachings and philosophies about relationships of all kinds have been very helpful in my life, since the days when I was young and pretty much clueless about many things.

For example - (in shorthand) - : the key to the ninety-nine is the one ... private victories precede public victories ... take time to sharpen the saw ...  seek first to understand, then to be understood ... the "right brain / left brain differences" ...  the importance of reflective listening (well known now, but it was a new concept back then, )  ...   etc. etc.

In appreciation.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

10. Juli


Anni Pertlwieser Wöss    (10 July 1915 - 10 July 1973)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, dearest David -

in Eugene

 your love of books started early. 

Davie and Uncle Paul went fishing down at the river

David and Chris were laughing their little heads off about their crazy lego train

 a bedtime story for little Jamis

     Add photo in Prag with J

missionary brothers met up at a two-mission conference. one of my very favorite photos.