Friday, August 18, 2017

HAPPY DAYS (are here again)

We had a mini family reunion in Provo, and it was simply great. To us, it was as perfect as it could be.                                                        

We saw four of our sons, three of our daughters in law, and fifteen of our darling grandchildren. It was pretty special and happy.

Charlotte, Atticus, Hazey and our two newest grandchildren!!

On Saturday, we had a fun time with J and M and all the little ones. It was our first time with Miles and Mary (12 weeks old), both so sweet and beautiful, as is each of the other children. Good little travelers. Amazingly, they all have been traveling this summer, and having fun with little cousins and friends, both in Texas and then in Utah. 

Opa and Mary
Anna, Abey and Miles

The Hike!

Monday was our main reunion day. First we hiked the Y. Everyone did great. I can't say I did, because my stamina was very low, but my new hip did not hurt at all, and neither did the other one. So that is good. 

                                                                                                                                                          Y photos are by John
Cristie slowed down to walk with me.

Someone whose writing I respect said about hiking: "Along with the obvious gift of fitness and ideal setting for conversation, hiking lends itself to parables - looking out for others along the trail, ceasing from judgment, going at your own pace, pushing past your weakness..."  michelle lehnhardt          I like that thought.


The Bowling!

Back in Provo, we had a great lunch (make-your-own deli sandwiches and watermelon). John gathered all the grandchildren around, and told them some stories from his life, mainly funny ones from his youth, but also some mission experiences, etc. He had wanted to do that for some time, and I'm glad it worked out. The kids were attentive.

Then we went bowling at BYU. So fun!!

   It was a lot of fun! Everyone did great. Chris ended up having the most strikes and getting the most points! Cheers!

We came back to Steven and Cristie's, ate a delicious and healthy dinner, and also sang Happy Birthday to all the many summer birthdays, and then to everyone there, with cake and candles, in many different languages, including pig-latin...  
We were so sorry that Noah was sick, could not come that day. He was included by phone, though.

The Concert / Talent Show!

THEN - drum roll, please --  the Family Concert and Talent Show! It was wonderful. We are amazed and pleased and proud of each of the kids for their hard work and talent and the confident and lovely way they shared some of their talents with us all. From the youngest ones - Anna did the splits, and played two cute songs on her "bells" (xylophone), to the oldest ones (Nick on piano, Sam on cello) and everyone else in between, each one was amazing in their own way! The applause was loud and well deserved.  (I'm sorry I don't have a picture of the amazing pianists who also performed.)

We want to thank Steven and Cristie for their hospitality, for opening their home and making the gatherings possible, and Cristie especially for arranging for all the extra instruments needed for the concert.

The evening ended with a few very cute and funny little skits.

Skit - "Is it Time?"

Tuesday morning we toured the new buildings of the MTC, which was uplifting and fun. I was impressed with all the light - huge windows, and sky-lights additionally. All the kids had already been, but Sam and Ben wanted to go again, and came with us. They wanted to see the newly revealed chandelier at the end of the tour. It is a work of art. "Amazing" does not do it justice. And to think it was designed and created by an artist in England who is only twenty years old!

The Provo City Center Temple!

Wednesday - another highlight: Baptisms at the Provo City Center Temple with our older grandchildren, except for Sarah, who was not feeling well that day. I recently found some Upper Austrian ancestors on the Woess side - siblings of my great-grandmother Crescentia Schaubschlaeger. We were very pleased to be able to do the work for them, and also some of the Pruess relatives. Each of the grandchildren was baptized for at least one Schaubschlaeger. Steven said the kids are now Schaub-geschlagen. 

We waited a little while for Chris and Amy to finish their endowment session, and walked around the temple grounds. Then we took Nicky out to lunch. He chose Mexican, and we went to Los Hermanos.

The Individual Time with the Kids!

We really wanted to take each child out separately and spend a little time with them individually. That's what we did in the next days. Nicky was the first one. Each could choose where they wanted to go, and what they wanted to do.

I don't have pictures for everyone, but here are a few.

The Pool!

On Thursday, Cristie took some of the children to the rec center, and I was able to admire some of the swimming and pencil diving!

So much fun! My heart was full.

The Cottles

Friday evening we had a wonderful time with Michaela and Jeff and Thomas and Bre. Per Bre's request, Michaela had made her specialty meal that is the all-time favorite - chicken and green dumplings. So good! Just a few days before, Mich returned from a trip to Chapel Hill. She also visited Adam and KayAnna and the little ones while out in the Carolinas.

                                                                                                                                                                          photo: Jeff

Saturday we stayed up in Heber, resting a bit, packing a little, and awaiting Margaret's return. We so appreciate her kind hospitality. The three of us went out to dinner, (delicious salmon at a cafe nearby) and then Margaret drove us around in Heber, showing us her father's saw mill and store, the little hospital where she was born (now a thrift store), etc. Heber means a lot to her. We also rode over to Midway, and loved the beautiful scenery with meadows and mountains. I have long thought, if I had a lot of money, I would devote a good chunk of it to preserving green spaces for the future. I would follow what Mr. Bernheim did here in Kentucky for us, preserving beautiful woods and meadows. I believe Midway would be a worthy cause for my millions. haha.

Sunday we went to church with Jacob and then we all went to St and Cr's again. We ate together, and then we had to part. It was hard to say good-bye.

Jake returned the day before from his Adventure Cycling ride in Colorado. HURRAY, JAKES! You did it! The start was very rough, with cold and rain, a leaky rain cover on his tent, being by himself and not knowing anyone, not being familiar with the terrain, having brought only sandals and no other shoes or boots, etc.
But he persevered, and things got much better. He conquered Vail Pass and every other obstacle. Success.

Jacob at his place of work, the Covey Center for the Perfoming Arts

I can't even express how happy and thankful we are for this wonderful time, with so many of us together. I thank our Heavenly Father for all the help and many blessings.

P.S.  I almost forgot to mention THE PEACHES at Allred's Orchards!! Oh, they were magnificent - fragrantly delicious, juicy and sweet. The kids loved them, too; especially dear, sweet Hazey, who reminds me of a peach herself.

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