Friday, August 30, 2019

What Would We Do Without Little Sis?

   Happy Birthday to Little Sis!
A strong, determined, vibrant personality, she had to learn to "pull herself up by her bootstraps" early. After our dear mother died when little sis was just seventeen, she went from Germany to France to live with strangers for a year, taking care of a little girl named Sidonie.
Studies at BYU in Provo followed. She had a fun circle of mostly artist friends. In summers and holidays our Oregon home was her home and she became a beloved auntie to our little ones.
After her mission to Taiwan came grad school in Chapel Hill, NC, a place that still holds very fond memories. Tighe became her boyfriend. He asked her to marry him every day. He was seven years younger and a head shorter and she almost said yes, but then decided no and moved back to Provo. There she met the perfect guy. His name is Jeff. They were married in Salt Lake City on a beautiful day in June.
Michaela became Mrs. Cottle and also Frau Professor Doktor. Pretty amazing. Four beautiful children arrived in close succession, and time moved on, bringing lots of adventures.
Over the years she and Jeff have been a wonderful support and help to our kids as they entered the MTC, lived and studied in Provo, and so on. Michaela and Jeff's home was often a home-away-from home while we were far away. Happy Birthday, Little Sis. We appreciate you so much. May this new year of your life bring many blessings and much happiness. Tanti auguri!

Three generations at the Cottle home in Provo, when Opa Dr. Franz was visiting.  Left front: David holding Maddy, Liz, Celina, Amy, Cristie.         Back: Michaela and Jeff with William, Chris with Thomas, Steven, Opa Franz.  Spring 1997