Postcard from southern France:
Bonjour! Having a great time! Hope all is well with you. Love, moi
Photographer: Simon |
On Saturday the 12th, we visited St. Guilhem-le-desert, a stunning medieval village and abbey not far away. Jeffrey came, too.
Inside the ancient stone church I lit a votive candle, heaven knows our world needs more light, and whispered a little prayer for our country, and its governance. The election this week and the months leading up to it, have made me/many citizens sober and thoughtful. What can I do, to reach out?
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace on earth. Where there is hate, let me sow love; where there is doubt, faith in thee. (from "The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi")
I was very impressed with an article on the last page of the BYU College of Humanities magazine, in 2016 sometime, I think. It's an excerpt from a talk originally given in Washington, DC on 11-13-2012. I copied some of it out. It is entitled "The Act of At/one/ment - Reconciliation vs. Divide", by Thomas Griffith:
"Notice Satan's tactic in the Garden of Eden story. Satan was trying to divide Adam and Eve from each other. Dividing people from each other has been Satan's signature through history. He divides us by gender, race, religion, nationality, wealth, and the list goes on. By contrast, the work of Christ is reconciliation, at-one-ment.
Wherever we see efforts to bridge differences, we are likely seeing Christ at work."
[Then he talks about learning the language, culture and world-view of another.]
"We are more comfortable when we are 'with our people'. But this is not the Lord's way. The impulse of the disciple is not division, but at-one-ment." etc.