Sunday, November 22, 2015


L's father passed away unexpectedly this week - a dearly loved father and husband, fun grandpa, kind and generous friend. His legacy will live on. Family and Love are eternal; that is a comforting conviction.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

News from Nice

         These two handsome people can't deny they're related!!   (Nephew and uncle)   Great pic.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Whirlwind Weekend

From Manti to the mountains, it was a weekend of family happiness. 
I'm glad I was able to be there, and Congratulations to all!


                                                                                                                                                        images @laurlee                             

Monday, August 31, 2015

Happy, Swiss Memories

A dear friend recently passed away.

 He was mission president in Zurich during our Eichberg time. Their children and ours were about the same ages, and we had some great times together. We enjoyed sharing with them some of our favorite spots in eastern Switzerland and across the border in Vorarlberg as we went on walks and hikes and a few camping trips.

What I especially remember about Keith is his great kindness and tolerance, and his love for his wife and children. He truly was / is a special person.

the dads are watching the kids playing in the creek

we're hiking down from the Hoher Kasten         Susan is in the foreground

Keith and his special friend Jacob

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Fathers Day to Our Sons

My heart bursts with gratitude and happiness when I see what truly devoted, loving and hard-working adults and fathers our boys have become. What a joy. Thank you for all you are and do.

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."          Billy Graham

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Was in California to visit this darling trio.
I don't even have words, except for one: LOVE.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ode to May

May is my favorite month, and has been, since I was a little girl.
Blossoms are everywhere. The air is so balmy and mild and fragrant, and somehow full of promise.

That reminds me of a beautiful poem by German Romantic poet Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff we learned about in high school in Linz.


                                           Es war, als hätt der Himmel
                                           Die Erde still geküsst,
                                           Dass sie im Blütenschimmer
                                           Von ihm nun träumen müsst.

                                            Die Luft ging durch die Felder,
                                            Die Aehren wogten sacht,                  
                                            Es rauschten leis die Wälder,
                                            So sternklar war die Nacht.

                                            Und meine Seele spannte
                                            Weit ihre Flügel aus,
                                            Flog durch die stillen Lande,
                                            Als flöge sie nach Haus.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

To Jacob

Happy Birthday, Jakes! 35 years!
You are a wonderful son and brother. We are so thankful for you in our family.

We are thankful for your good heart, your sensitivity, your brightness, and your courage. Life is not easy for you. We admire how you don't give up, and keep moving along with hope, humor and determination.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome, welcome!

Welcome to the family, dear little Norah! Everyone is thrilled that you are here!

Your parents tell us your name means Light. And you have certainly brought Light with you; Light and Happiness.